Monday, October 24, 2011

Jumping Through Hoops

So the past few days have been pretty insane. There is so much to get accomplished, but I'm kind of stuck waiting for everyone else at this point. I've got all my paperwork done, the medical finished, tickets bought, I'm just waiting for my information from my recruiter for booking my hotel and getting my lab results back from the doctor. Other than that, all that's left to do is pack. And I hate packing.

It's really stressful having my recruiter so far away and hard to contact. There seem to be miscommunications. Last Friday she told me to go ahead and buy my ticket to Barcelona, so I did. When I was talking to her today she told me to wait until she had the letter of employment to buy it. Ahhh! Freaking me out a little bit. I don't know what's going on on her end, but I really hope that she has the LOE tomorrow and everything will turn out okay. 

If all goes as planned, I will have a day to explore Barcelona before joining the ship, so I'm looking forward to that. A little uneasy, since I know nothing about the city and my Spanish ain't so good. I'm pretty good at navigating most of them time, but I usually have my trusty iPhone to assist me. But Mr. iPhone won't work in Spain :( Hopefully WiFi is easy to access in Barcelona? 

For now I'm just anxiously waiting to hear about my LOE and hoping that I didn't waste money on an expensive plane ticket. 

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My name is Cassie. This is my blog. It is about working on a cruise ship. You can read it if you want.