So I've been working on a post with lots of pictures and explanation of the ship but it's taking forever since I don't have much time. So that will be coming soon. In the meantime, I'll tell you about my first night in the dining room. Yikes.
Today was kind of nutso to begin with. I got a call at 7:45 telling me that I needed to go to the back deck immediately for immigration. Since we are going back into the US all of the employees have to be processed again. It was really easy for me, but I was told that it was going to be at 9:30. So I wasn't happy. I stood in the line and thought it was really stupid because all they did was glance at my passport.
Another super fun thing that happened today is that I was switched cabins. I was told by my roommate and no one else. No one contacted me to give me a key, tell me what I had to do, who my roommate would be. I went to the crew office to figure out what was up, but of course they were all involved in the immigration stuff. Finally a guy stopped me in the hallway to tell me what I needed to do.
I guess it was a good thing that I woke up at 8:00, because I managed to move out of my cabin, move into a new one, do my laundry, and a crew drill all before 10:30. All things that needed to be done. I really wanted to call home, but my phone wasn't working :( That was really annoying because I'm finally in the US and I still can't call home. Just as my shift at The Windjammer started, but phone began to work. I managed to text my mom a few times, but after that it was go go goooo.
At 3:45 I had to assist with the guest muster drill that is done on every embarkation day. Then right after that they posted which stations we were going to be working in the dining room. I had 4 tables and it was supposed to be 12 guests, which is the lowest amount. You have to work your way up to the bigger sections. Turns out my station is more like 20. Only 16 showed up tonight but it was still crazy. I was worthless. Anything I ever knew about serving completely went out the window. I spent half of the night hunting down random things like tongs and teapots and neglecting my guests. I will most definitely do another post on a typical day working in the dining room. Right now, it seems impossible.
On the plus side, I have been meeting a lot of new people. Unfortunately, this means I have been spending a little too much time at the crew bar. There are parties every week. But the group of people I've been hanging out with are so fun. Because...they're theater people! I'm really glad they've embraced me into their group. It feels good to be with people who get my jokes. I'm really funny, you know.
Anyway, time for me to go to bed. I work at 7:30 am tomorrow, which means if I'm not too tired I will be able to get off the ship! Yay!!!
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